Tuesday 17 March 2015

Filming/Editing #2

I continued with filming my performance pieces in the drama studio.  I tried brighter lighting and a side shot, which I thought was more interesting, and tried cutting between this footage more to keep with the pace of the song.

I also filmed some of my narrative, about a girl getting over a past relationship and moving forward in her life, conforming to the indie/pop genre conventions and using the setting of a park.  I used Danson Park, a park nearby to me and my actress to make meeting to film easier.

The actress I used was my friend Daisy, as I knew she would be reliable when organising to film.  Her make-up and costume were simple and quite plain, as even though the narrative is important, with indie/pop music videos the artist's performance is the main focus, and I wanted to follow this convention.

I included further elements of Goodwin's theory, relating the lyrics and visuals, by using footage of the girl running when the lyrics 'Run fast for your mother/Run fast for your father' are sung.

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